1. Accept rules
  2. Your details
  3. Confirm e-mail
  4. Our review

Some ground rules.

These are set and enforced by the rosa.earth moderators.

  1. By being a member of the Rosa Community , you agree to model the behavior you hope to see from others and follow the guidelines below as well as the ideals of the Beloved Community Pledge and the Beloved Community License.
  2. No promotional posting, no spam The Rosa Community is not a site for self-promotion, SEO, PR, marketing, or advertising. There are extremely limited circumstances under which it is acceptable to link to your own work, your company’s work, or any work you’ve been hired to promote.
  3. Speak for yourself, not others Speak from your own experience and perspective. Say things you genuinely mean (rather than playing devil’s advocate, trolling, or saying bad things ironically).
  4. Be considerate and respectful The Rosa Community is a space for conversations, not a contest; add your own informed perspective and nuance instead of shutting others down.
  5. Be sensitive to context Read a thread before commenting. Engage with what people are really saying. Respond appropriately to people’s mood and investment in a topic. Refrain from making light jokes in a serious discussion.
  6. Be aware of your privilege Recognize your own positioning. Be aware of how much space you are occupying in a discussion and avoid exclusionary or insensitive statements that can harm or alienate other people.
  7. Be mindful of microaggressions Use people’s correct name, gender, and pronouns. Be respectful. Do not exoticize or joke about another culture’s touchstones
  8. Accept feedback gracefully Be willing to listen and apologize if someone says you’ve said something hurtful. If someone criticizes your ideas or statements, or points out harmful impacts, it’s not a personal attack.